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I find it quite frustrating to raid my own settlements just to complete the Nuka World main quest line, so i made this little plugin that lets you skip the quest "Home Sweet Home" by just talking to Shank. If you have an achievements mod enabled, you will also get the achievement for quest completion. I'm playing the sort of character who wouldn't side with the Raiders but would play along with them long enough to get everything I could before murdering them all. I'd like to get the perks from completing Power Play but as soon as I set a raider flag in the Commonwealth, I'm informed that "Preston hated that" . The settlement I picked doesn't involve forcing any settlers off their land; I'm literally just creating one settlement that I plan to completely neglect until I can get the power on at Nuka World and slaughter everyone . At the chosen settlement, the player character must meet with the leader and convince them, with either payment in caps or intimidation, to supply the nearby raider outpost.
Completes the quest "Home Sweet Home" by just talking to Shank. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. FS4E, some acheivement .dll and a nexusmod basically did the trick, stipped the entire quest line...♥♥♥♥ that noise. Thus, the simplest way to prevent Preston from becoming hostile to you is to complete Home Sweet Home before you encounter him for the first time in Concord . Nisha provides a Disciple cutlass with the Instigating legendary effect, which deals double damage to enemies with full health .
Settlement objects
Return to Shank who will tell you the next step is to ensure your gang members are happy and stay loyal. Managing a raider outpost is the same as managing a settlement so build some defenses and entertainment options to complete this step. Settlements with the keyword WorkshopType02AlwaysExclude, applied by DLC04WorkshopParentScript, are not targeted as potential outposts/vassals. Boston Airport, Bunker Hill, the Castle, Covenant, and all DLC-added settlements will never be targeted. However, Sanctuary Hills and Finch farm may be targeted depending on certain quest states. Upon returning to Nuka-World once more, Shank informs the player character that a raider named Sinner has caught wind of their activities and is planning to attack.
The happiness does not need to be raised for any of these later settlements; only control of the settlement and raising the gang's flag is necessary. Completing the third raider outpost unlocks the second rank of the Wasteland Warlord perk and additional buildable items. After the third outpost is established, the quest is complete and Power Play begins. Establishing the first raider outpost will cause Preston Garvey to instantly hate the player, even if his affinity has already been maxed and the United We Stand perk unlocked. This is understandable given that the goals of the Nuka-World gangs are directly opposed to the Minutemen's settlement-related activities. He is still marked as essential and therefore unkillable, which means he will single-handedly prevent the location from falling to the raiders even if all the other settlers are dead.
Choosing settlements to attack in Home Sweet Home (Nuka-World, PC)
If one has already claimed a settlement for the Minutemen, Shank will ask the player if they are sure they would like to attack the settlement.
Depending on the method chosen, the player will need to complete either Capture Settlement or Clear Out Settlement (if going the less-violent route). This allows for unlocking settlements that are otherwise unavailable. Settlements that are empty or have quests active cannot be attacked. Swing by Lizzie Wyath to pick up a recipe for the Smooth Operator and persuasion grenade. I made my way to the Nuka world transit directly, I did no quest in the Commonwealth at all, not even talking to Codsworth or Dogmeat. I only cleared a few locations without quests for the basic weapons and level needed to fight at Nuka World.
DLC requirements
No need to reload an earlier save if you're updating, just replace the old version with the new one. Does anyone know the proper commands to get this to work? I tried installing a mod but it disabled my achievements and put some stupid symbol next to my save file. Accepting the mission Home Sweet Home affects nothing. Planting the first Raider flag in that mission, however, will immediately make the Minuteman faction hostile to the player. This includes Preston, Ronnie, and any and all Minutemen that randomly spawn.

Return to Shank who will inform you that your outpost has attracted some unwanted attention from a gang of Commonwealth Raiders led by a man named Sinner. Head back to your outpost to help defend it alongside your gang. You can either dissuade Sinner with a hard speech check or with violence. Head back to Shank who instructs that the next order of business is to provide resources to the outpost by strong-arming a settlement nearby the outpost. He will make a few target suggestions based on proximity to the outpost.
Mods of the month
Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. After completing Home Sweet Home you may not be able to talk to Shank anymore.
I've added these things so that you won't miss anything you'd normally get when completing "Home Sweet Home". If you remove the mod after completing the quest, all these additions will be lost, so it's better to keep the esp active. After reading here that if you complete the Nuka World main quest before rescuing Preston from Concordia you might stay friendly with him while also running the Nuka Whole gangs, I started a new game to try that. Using either the mod or console commands will allow you to complete all Nuka-World quests - netting you two Raider perks and weapons - while preventing Preston from becoming hostile to you.
This is the only scenario where one can not only get the most of the Nuka-World raiders but to actually keep Preston Garvey as a companion. Sanctuary Hills can only be set up as a raider outpost if When Freedom Calls was already completed. Once that is done, erect a flag to provide the settlement to one of the three gangs. At first, only the flag for the gang with the least territories can be erected. At this point, if Preston Garvey is alive, he will drop out of the pool of available companions and confront the player at the next opportunity.

At the Home Sweet Home quest however, when I tried to talk to Shank to expand into the Commonwealth, he claims that there are no target available for both negotiations and assault. The whole point of Nuka World is to introduce you to the raider system, either kill the leaders or take over settlements. Earn 10 reputation in order to answer this question. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity.
Shank mentions that keeping the gang members happy and loyal is the next step, providing suggestions for objects to build to do just that. At this point, it becomes possible to send Shank to the outpost as a resident, saving the player character the hassle of having to keep returning to Nuka-World to carry out outpost operations. To complete the quest, you need to claim two more outposts. It's possible to convince settlers to leave with persuasion, pay them off , or simply wipe them out.

It is not possible to let the Nuka-World raiders claim Warwick homestead by wiping out the Warwick family, because June Warwick is flagged as essential. It is possible to target any settlements which the Sole Survivor has not yet discovered. Choosing one of these will automatically mark that specific location in the Pip-Boy. Home Sweet Home is a main quest and achievement/trophy in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. That one has ghouls, so you probably need to do the attack method.
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